Can Real Soap Save The Planet?
Jugging far more items than I intended to buy (I really only needed milk) my breaking point finally became the grocery store self-checkout.
After scanning all my items without incident, I looked around awkwardly for a bag to put them in. Nothin’!
Here in NY state, they’d just banned by law those cheap, flimsy plastic bags.
Some stores were offering free recyclable brown paper bags.
Some stores had heavy-duty 100-use recyclable plastic bags they were selling for a dime. But you had to find the attendant and ask for them. As if checking out at the store was not frustrating enough already. God forbid I should go in at a busy time.
Eventually, a bag was found. My things packed up and off I went.
Why do I tell you this?
Because it got me thinking about the environment.
While I’m not sure this ban-the-bag law is going to solve the landfill issues, or save the planet (the ripple effect of producing heavier plastic bags, the germs reused bags harbor when reused, and alternative work-arounds people will employ to avoid buying bags may be worse) this law, if nothing else, got me thinking more about the things I buy and what happens to all the garbage once thrown away.
Usually it’s “in the garbage, out of my life”.
Later that night, while taking a shower before bed,
I reached for my usual Axe bodywash. And it dawned on me!
What about this plastic bodywash bottle?
It’s huge. Where will it go once empty?
And how silly this seemed in contrast to a bar of soap.
A soap bar wrapper, paper or plastic, weighs less than an ounce
and fits easily in the palm of my hand crumpled up. A very small
environmental inconvenience.
That tall, white plastic bodywash bottle (of who knows what chemicals are inside) weighs over 5 ounces and takes up far more room than both my hands can cover.
Estimates are that 2.7 BILLION bodywash bottles, billion, are
purchased each year and only a fraction of that number recycled.
(Remember, it takes 400 years for each PET plastic bottle to decompose in a landfill.)
That’s a huge envornmental waste concern!
I immediately grabbed a bar of my freshly-cured, Doctor Pepper Oatmeal Wonder Soap, and washed away all the grime and stress of the day. Along with any concerns that I might be harming the planet tonight.
Imagine, your handmade soap can be great for cleansing the body,
the environment, and one’s conscience.
Go sell that!
If you’d like even more help, more ideas that help you Sell More Soap, make sure you have your copy of my latest 2020 “Special Report:101 Ways To Sell More Soap”. Click HERE to get your copy now.
You will sleep better at night too, knowing you’re helping yourself and others to save the planet while filling your pockets with faster soap cash from a business, your business, that helps keep people and the environment clean.
A two-for-one deal. Sweet!
Go get the report now if you haven’t already and start cleaning up!
Robert Schwarztrauber
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